General terms and conditions when booking ticket and other on the Internet

These general conditions apply between the destination webshop who is the provider and the person himself or through others making a booking on the provider's website. Or through the providers`s associated online partners. The terms and conditions applies for tickets, lift ticket, accommodation, activities, and purchase of other products and services. Or a combination thereof.

1. Subscriber responsibility
Before making a final order the subscriber shall be read and familiarize themselves with important information about the product concerned.The subscriber is responsible for ensuring that the purchase is in accordance with their own wishes. The subscriber is also responsible for ensuring that information on the confirmation (only sent as e-mail) is in accordance with the order.

You can also register and login as a user via social login (Facebook and Google+). When you register using Facebook or Google+, We will then create an account for you with the email you registered with these services.

You can always change your personal information by login on to "My page"

2. Lift ticket and resort ticket
Purchase of a ticket may require that you have a Keycard (Skidata) / Chipcard (Team Axess). If you already have a Keycard/ Chipcard it will be recharged by the first pass in the elevator turning cross. The card is personal and at the bottom of the card is a  number (eg 01-1614 7200 2500 3445 8000-01) that must be used in our online payment solution to recharge the card with the desired lift ticket.

By disruption, abuse and use of lift pass we refer to the ski lifts association (ALF) No. 8/99 GUIDELINES OF SKI PASS

3. Implementation of your order
After correctly having executed the online payment you will receive a receipt by e-mail. The receipt will contain all the details of your purchase and can be brought to the resort.

The order is not completed and not valid in the following cases:

  • Subscriber has not received mail with return receipt or booking confirmation / booking number.
  • Card payment is canceled for various reasons and payment fails.
  • The payment is not accurate or complete so that the amount is not deducted from the account. Thus the provisional reservation will be cancelled after a short time and the trade is invalid.


If in doubt about your order is correctly processed?

Contact us:
Mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Phone: +47 22 14 36 10

4. Payment
We use a payment solution from Netaxept and you can pay with Visa or Mastercard. Third party will not have access to your personal information or credit card number. Netaxept uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when transferring personal information. SSL creates a secure (encrypted) connection between your computer and Netaxept. In this way information is transmitted safely without unauthorized access . The fullfilment is being handled by Elavon and this gives you a safe and secure shopping.

5. Right of withdrawal
When purchasing ticket on the internet there is no right to cancell or refund, With reference to the Act Chapter 5-19. This also applies to packages and promotions that contains fixed dates. Or with a lift ticket on a specific date attached to an event.

In case of illness or injury the customer may be entitled to a prorated refund of expenses for the time the card could not be used. Injury or illness shall, on request be documented by a medical certificate. The chipcard should be returned as quickly as possible. 

6. Change in taxes
If taxes and fees or changed, thus leading to an increase in costs for providers after the order is completed and paid. The may then price be increased correspondingly to the order. The price change shall be notified immediately.

Contatti Italia

Vuoi una demo, contattaci!

Chiamaci o chiamaci direttamente!

Italy +39 348 512 9693
Norway +47 90 74 21 22
France +33 67 41 33 886



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  • 1

Ultimi Progetti

Below you find some of our customer projects

  • Tutto
  • Austria
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Scotland
  • Skidata
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • TeamAxess
  • USA
  • Default
  • Per nome
  • Per data
  • Casuale


